Guaranteed Subpoena Service Introduces Innovative Body Camera Technology !

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The service of civil process, a necessary function of our court system is undergoing revolutionary changes. Guaranteed Subpoena Service of Union, N.J. has become the first in the nation to use video technology when serving process. All served and non-served documents going forward will be video documented as to how it was or was not served. Using the same equipment that is used by the police, a process server will now be able to document what occurred. Having used GPS now for several years, this technology can only demonstrate that the process server was at a given location. Video is a giant step in demonstrating that the process was in fact served. The video also demonstrates the attitude of the person served and puts a face that can be viewed by an attorney as to who he/she is going to confront. Guaranteed Subpoena is a leader nationally on the service of process. As its President Philip Geron, states, “we innovate, others imitate”. Responsible for eight changes to the Rules of Court in New Jersey and introducing GPS, mobile printers and constant, continuous communication. Geron says, “No one is better or more experienced than us”.

The technology has now caught up to almost every facet of serving process.  

What’s next? 

Guaranteed Subpoena Service, Inc.

2009 Morris Avenue, Union, NJ

(800) - 672 - 1952